‘The Wicked Boy’ – Best Book I Read Last Year

The first question i’ve chosen is: ‘Best book you read last year’ and i’ve chosen ‘The Wicked Boy’ by Kate Summerscale.


This was my favourite book last year for many reasons (here we go!)


As a lover of history, thrillers and anything slightly macabre and morbid, this book grabbed me the moment I read the description. What’s even more macabre and morbid is that it’s a true story!


Victorian London is that moment in history where everything was just creepy. All things happening under a blanket of darkness, a moment that’s just close enough to seem familiar, but so far back everything is unknown.


And this book tells the tale of a child growing up in that fog…and killing his mum (that’s not a spoiler, that’s the whole point of this book!)


Kate Summerscale follows Robert Coombes and his brother Nattie around London after the deed is done. It shows how children’s imagination can make almost anything disappear as they live unfettered by apron strings.
But Summerscale also records the fall out, the discovery of the tragic killing, and the bizarre witnessing of a thirteen year old stood accused of murder in front of judge and jury.


What I loved most about this book is the portrayal of Robert, through records and discovering his path through life, Summerscale has uncovered the truth that he was just a human, confused and mentally ill as a child, but still human. His adult life is described in this book with amazing detail and I couldn’t help but feel relief and almost happy for Robert as I turned the last page of the book.


Why I think you should read this book:

  1. The research done to create this timeline is phenomenal, newspaper articles and police statements, even records of Robert as he grew into adulthood. No stone is left unturned
  2.  That fascination for the weird and dark parts of life and history that we all have within
    us is definitely satisfied. I did indeed gasp and knit my brow as I read about the murder and concealment of the body (how did they continue to live in that house?! They were only children!! *gasp*)
  4. The end of the book tells you what happened to Robert post-murdering his mother. Which is INTERESTING!
  5.  Old newspaper articles, pictures and illustrations are referenced inside the book which show how villainous Robert was portrayed to be, and how this story captivated the city.


Where to buy this book:





Book Details:

  • Hardcover: 400 pages
  • Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing; First Edition edition (29 April 2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1408851148
  • ISBN-13: 978-1408851142


Hello! I’m Chloe! This is the place where I’ll be posting my book reviews/ travel posts and basically reviews of things I love (theatre, movies, museums etc.)

OK so I find the beginning of anything really awkward, so I’ve found this ’30 day book challenge’ and I’m basically going to use these questions as a start to my reviews/get to know me thing!!

Here are the questions:

1. Best book you read last year

2.A book you’ve read more than 3 times

3.Your favourite series

4.Favourite book of your favourite series

5.A book that makes you happy

6.A book that makes you sad

7.A book that makes you laugh

8.Most overrated book

9.A book you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving

10.A book that reminds you of home

11.A book you hated

12.A book you love but hate at the same time

13.Your favourite writer

14.Book turned into a movie and completely desecrated

15.Favourite male character

16.Favourite female character

17.Favourite quote from your favourite book

18.A book that disappointed you

19.Favourite book that turned into a movie

20.Favourite romance book

21.The first novel you remember reading

22.A book that makes you cry

23.A book you wanted to read for a long time but still haven’t

24.A book that you wish more people would’ve read

25.A character who you can relate to the most

26.A book that changed your opinion about something

27.The most surprising plot twist or ending

28.Favourite title of a book

29.A book everyone hated but you liked

30.Your favourite book of all time

So hello, bonjour, hola, HEY follow me on here and twitter… Or Instagram, we can talk about stuff!!!